Case Studies

Exploring the journey of a property which was brought to auction midway through development.

Exploring the journey of a property which was brought to auction midway through development.

In this case study, we explore the intriguing journey of a property which was brought to auction midway through development.

Encountering properties listed for auction that present development opportunities or have already obtained approved planning permissions.

Encountering properties listed for auction that present development opportunities or have already obtained approved planning permissions.

Encountering properties listed for auction that present development opportunities or have already obtained approved planning permissions

A noteworthy example of an auction property transformation

A noteworthy example of an auction property transformation

The subject property transformed nestled in the sought-after Leyton E10 went to auction by McHugh & Co Auctioneers

Using EIG to discover the best properties at auction

Using EIG to discover the best properties at auction

Using EIG to discover the best properties at auction

Every member is a VIP at EIG!

Every member is a VIP at EIG!

An Auction Insight member has written this feedback for others to know what to expect from the EIG brand and service ...

Watch the action live in the auction room!

Watch the action live in the auction room!

With the EIG live stream feature you can choose the auction you want to watch and see what is happening in the auction room in real time ...

I find it very helpful when buying a property out of your usual area

I find it very helpful when buying a property out of your usual area

It has made my life easier because before I used to try and look into all the catalogues of all the different auction companies ...

EIG subscriber - 'It can save you a lot of money in avoiding errors!'

EIG subscriber - 'It can save you a lot of money in avoiding errors!'

We are always chatting to our customers to hear their feedback. Here one of our members tells us what they think of EIG and how the service has helped him.

The benefits of using EIG to a new property developer

The benefits of using EIG to a new property developer

This new subscriber shares his experience; "As a research tool, the site is invaluable for a new developer like me, as it allows you to get a good feel for auction market dynamics …"

EIG provide industry statistics to a regional auction house looking to grow

EIG provide industry statistics to a regional auction house looking to grow

At the Essential Information Group (EIG) we supply the national and regional statistics for the property auction industry. In the past we have provided statistics for the Bank of England, national news reports, Estates Gazette and many other publications and we regularly receive requests from the 400+ Auction Houses across the UK.

Online property auctions provide greater bidding opportunities to buyers

Online property auctions provide greater bidding opportunities to buyers

The growing popularity of conducting property auctions using the online auction platform is providing greater bidding opportunities to buyers, including in this instance those sailing the English Channel!

Simplify your work space and gain time by going paper free!

Simplify your work space and gain time by going paper free!

Everyone has different ways of working and for one loyal subscriber the introduction of digital catalogues alongside the traditional print version has been a real benefit to him.

I’ve retired 10 years early! - A subscriber success story

I’ve retired 10 years early! - A subscriber success story

At the time I was a tenant farmer looking to do something different as well. The first property I bought was at an auction in July 2010. It was the right property in the right area and had a lot of potential.

Our Q1 PAD report is released

Our Q1 PAD report is released

This data includes information at a national level as well as by region, also splitting down by residential and commercial property types.

Taking the first steps into buying property at auction can be daunting!

Taking the first steps into buying property at auction can be daunting!

I was on the laptop looking for different ways you could find houses that had been repossessed and EIG just came up. We read through it all and I said, this could be it, because we don't know what we're doing!