Case Study

I find it very helpful when buying a property out of your usual area

Publish Date: 19 June 2018

By Beth Fox


I find it very helpful when buying a property out of your usual area

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EIG subscriber - 'It can save you a lot of money in avoiding errors!'

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EIG 'Auction Insights' Subscriber - Case Study

This subscriber met EIG Managing Director, David Sandeman at a Premier Property Club Event in Canary Wharf where David was chairing the panel of Auction Industry Experts. We are committed to customer satisfaction so we followed up with a chat to hear his feedback, here's what Mr Udoakah thinks of EIG:

It has made my life easier

I stumbled across EIG a couple of years ago because I’ve been doing this a while now.
It has made my life easier because before I used to try and look into all the catalogues of the different auction companies. You can imagine trying to go through all the auction companies logging in and logging out, logging in and logging out so you know with EIG it makes life much easier.  

Comparisons of property prices

I find it very helpful for the fact that it gives you like a comparison. If for example, you want to buy a property in say Coventry which is not my area, as my area is South East London. So, it gives you comparisons of property prices and what has been in the market or what has been in the auction as compared to the auction market before and it particularly gives you similar properties that are coming onto the auction at the same period, so I like that.
Also, it gives you room to shortlist, instead of me having to, as normally if it was a paper catalogue I would have had to write out some of the lots that I have interest in. It gives you like a shortlist window where you can put in all your shortlisted properties and then you can go back and have a look and do your research with them. That was very good and it gives you a window to do commercial or residential only, and again it allows you to look at the legal pack.  

How did you stumple across EIG?

I’m a very detailed person with attention to detail, professionally I’m a pharmacist who has been trained to pay attention to minute details so each time I went to click on, I think it was a couple of years ago, you know when you go to look at the legal packs I realised that even when I crisscrossed to different auction companies when I go to look at the legal pack the data is being done by Essential Information Group. So that was when I started to ask myself why are they everywhere so I googled them, I said let me see what they are doing, so that was how I stumbled on EIG.      
EIG Subscriber - Mr J.Udoakah, Property Developer 

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