Industry News

Auction News - EIG Newsletter Oct 2018

Publish Date: 17 October 2018

By Beth Fox


Auction News - EIG Newsletter Oct 2018

Further reading

EIG celebrate 21st Annual Auctioneers Lunch

NAVA Propertymark Auctioneer of the Year 2018 - winner announced!

Essential Auction News

Welcome to the October newsletter that looks back at auction activity in September and preceding periods

In what is usually the busiest period in the auction calendar, last month saw only 144 auctions held across the UK - the fewest number recorded in September since 2006 (142). This had an obvious and marked effect on the overall monthly results - lots offered were down 11% on September 2017 to 3,378 lots whilst lots sold saw an even larger drop - down 17% to 2,382 lots.
Total auction revenues fell by almost 18% - an £80M drop in monetary terms and a stark realisation of the uncertain economic and political climate that the market is currently operating in. 

Overall Statistics - September 2018

Auctions Held in the UK   144
Total Lots Offered             3,378 
Total Lots Sold                   2,382
Percent Sold                       70.5%
Total Realised                    £371,148,571 

National Auction Analysis

Residential lots offered and sold fell by 13% and 18% respectively last month, with residential revenues shrinking by over 17% to £334M. The notable monthly falls had a significant impact on the figures for Q3, with lots sold down 9% and amount raised down 11% on the same quarter last year.

The commercial sector saw a marginal increase in lots offered, from 422 to 437 lots, but 20 fewer lots sold resulting in a 67% sale rate. Commercial revenues also saw a major drop - down 21% to £37M, but as all the major London commercial auctioneers don't hold their first Autumn auction until this month (October) we will get a more accurate account of the sector in next month's newsletter.

View the full newsletter results 


A word from the editor:  

As ever I would welcome any comments or feedback you may have regarding the newsletter or indeed the wider market in general.

Kind regards,

David Sandeman 


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