Industry News

Auction News - EIG Newsletter Dec 2018

Publish Date: 19 December 2018

By Beth Fox


Auction News - EIG Newsletter Dec 2018

Further reading

Auction News - EIG Newsletter Nov 2018

Auction News - EIG Newsletter Jan 2019

Essential Auction News

Welcome to the December newsletter that looks back at auction activity in November and preceding periods

As 2018 draws to a close it is a familiar story below, with every one of the 36 measurable metrics down on their comparative period last year. 1,654 lots were offered and 1,146 lots were sold last month, down 12% and 14% respectively, whilst total auction revenues shrunk by 17%, from £196.4M to £162.7M.

Overall Statistics - November 2018

Auctions Held in the UK     83
Total Lots Offered               1,654 
Total Lots Sold                     1,146
Percent Sold                         69.3%
Total Realised                      £162,662,448 

National Auction Analysis

As can be seen below, double-digit falls are prevalent across both sectors of the industry. Residential lots offered was down 11% last month, to 1,476 lots, whilst revenues dropped 16% to £147.1M. Commercial lots offered fell by almost 18% to 178 lots, with revenues decreasing by over 27% to £15.5M. The rolling yearly figures highlight the market's struggles over the past year. There were almost 1,300 fewer residential sales in the last 12 months when compared with the previous year (down 6.2%), whilst commercial sales dropped by over 450 lots in the same period (down 10.3%).

View the full newsletter results  

A word from the Editor:  

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a peaceful holiday and a prosperous new year.

As always I appreciate any feedback or suggestions you might have on our services and newsletters. 

Kind regards,

David Sandeman - Managing Director, EIG


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