Blog Post

Property Tribes - EIG worked for us!

Publish Date: 31 October 2018

By Priscilla McGregor-Kerr


Property Tribes - EIG worked for us!

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A Property Tribes user posted this topic in the Auction Tribe about his recent subscription to the EIG Auction Insight service ...

EIG worked for us! 

We for the last couple of months have been looking for auction lots and decided to give EIG a go. The subscription seemed quite high to us so we were given a trial for a couple of days which was enough time to work out how best to use the service. I had heard them mentioned before on PT but thought it was just a bit much to subscribe.

After the 2 days was up I decided to subscribe for few months as this would coincide with the round of auction dates that were coming up. The cost was approximately £200.

The great thing about the service is that it showed us all the history for the street and lots being entered. We kept seeing the same houses coming up for auction that had been sold from other auction houses. One house in particular looked like a great deal and had been sold 8 times through auction in 2 years !!!

It also shows information about other lots on same street. This is good for  knowing if those streets can be problematic and whether to be avoided.

The service is great for due diligence  we would usually start by clicking on a lot we were interested in and then checking out street history this would tell us what had been listed previously and sold prices through auction. If it got past this stage we could then get all land registry sales for street with 1 click. All local estate agents numbers are listed and google map link is right there.

Just recently we managed to get a good deal that would not have been visible to us without this service.

We will definitely renew our subscription when our funds have been replenished. Anyone looking at purchasing through auction should consider using them as it could save you buying a lemon! Best £200 we have spent this year!



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